Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Here We Go Again

 Cats are never bothered by what goes on in the world at large.  They find a spot in the sun, groom themselves, and sleep most of the time.  Edgrr and Stinker find their spots, and untroubled, go about their pleasure.  Many days, I envy them.

"Cats are connoisseurs of comfort."  --James Herriot

Incoming Postcards

from Carla


from Iliana 
I love her  gelli print!

from Carol Ann                  
one of her favorite tea rooms


Letter to Annie

Garden:  Aside from trimming and cleaning up, I decided to harvest worm castings from my worm farm.  I spent a lot of tedious time separating worms from the castings and harvesting gardener's gold to feed my plants; I then prepared the new home for the red wigglers.  

The move must have been traumatic, so this morning, I made them a lettuce and stale bread smoothie to help them adjust.

I don't have hummingbird feeders, I have to rely on them finding something attractive in the garden and choose plants for the purpose.

Top row:  Texas sage/red salvia, yellow/orange lantana, honey bells cuphea
Next:  cosmos, Red Hot Tecoma, and obedient plant

And they adore the Dallas Red Lantana and like Henry Duelberg blue salvia, too.
I don't really know how they like the yellow/orange lantana, because it isn't in my vision unless I walk around the corner, but I assume they like it, too, since they like the other orange-y plants.  It has done well, but not as sprawling as the Dallas Red lantana.

Lately, I've been watching videos of the Jerusalema Challenge.  The music feels so uplifting, calming and energetic at the same time, and I love that the challenge has moved around the world.  
<iframe width="1920" height="1080" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/-VDZ8yxxssY" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Oh, new blogger won't let me embed this, but check the Youtube link:  Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery

I take pictures with my phone and send them to my husband
so he will get the right brand of  items. :)

What is going on in your world?  


  1. Yes, you sometimes see dogs looking worried, but cats, never!

  2. LOL! Love the grocery list. The picture of your cats is beautiful cat perfect personality. Think how many of us would like to be comfy taking nap in the sun with no cares to disrupt our dreams.

    1. Our cats are pretty much stress free. Only when they realized we were packing to go on a trip did they exhibit any concern. I remember those days. :)

  3. A shopping list for Richard would have to be all the things he is NOT to bring into the house.
    We are getting a Delta pounding and it's supposed to get worse. But, we still have electricity and the kids are texting regularly that they are safe. In their 30s and 40s, they should be able to make smart decisions for their families. (I'm struggling just a little with that.) Stay safe and dry.

    1. Mary, do you have power? So many people without power following Delta! Hope you and your family are safe!

  4. Love the grocery list. Back in Indiana I shopped for my sister. She would cut out pics from the sale ad of what she wanted. She absolutely did NOT want a substitute. Such a pain in the *ss. So we have cooled down on this mountain. The nights are downright cold. I am happy that I am getting my sewing mojo back.
    xx, Carol

    1. I have used my phone to text pictures of particular brands of cat food because the cats are so picky. :) They were supposed to be my husband's cats and his responsibility, but you know how that goes. Ten years of me tending to all their needs. :)

      I'm glad to hear you are getting your sewing mojo back, Carol. You'll need some warm quilts up there in the mountains!

  5. That grocery list is so funny and frankly not a bad idea. I used to make fun of my mom and think she was so picky but I'm becoming like her with my grocery requests whenever my husband makes the grocery store run. So glad you got your postcard. I was thinking the paper was a bit on the thin side so wasn't sure how it would travel. All of your plants look like they are doing so well! Our red sage grows a lot and I didn't realize that it would re-seed itself in other ares. So we have to probably have to cut some back.

    1. The grocery list is a good idea. :) Loved your postcard--my gelli prints don't ever turn out that well! I love plants that reseed themselves, but yes, sometimes they can over do it! :)


Good to hear from you!