Monday, July 12, 2010


A little ghostie...he just awoke and is a little disoriented.

I got some books from Amazon today and put the box on the floor and waited to see who would claim it first.
Stinker dropped one of her balls in and had a blast.  I've seen several cat and box posts lately and decided to take advantage of the littlest one having a good time. 

Lucy and Edgar both approached it and then, noses in air, walked off.  Maybe the size was off-putting.  Stinker is less than half of Edgar.  She even got to play with the ball without having it taken away.


  1. Love the ghost! The 'sheet' is just purrfect!

    Judy B

  2. Thanks, Judy! I had a little clay left in a package and just began playing with it. This face (that reminds me of Munch's "The Scream") took shape. He's kind of a cross between a skeleton and a ghost, but I like him!

  3. I'm coming to YOUR house for Halloween!

  4. Come on over, Rian! Bring your dancin' shoes!


Good to hear from you!