Friday, December 15, 2006


I finally dragged in some boxes and made an effort at decorating for the holidays. Late start, but there you go.
Finished the garland last night. Added lots of glitter to stars, yo-yo's, and rickrack, although it doesn't show up in the photos.

The tree is out, but not decorated. I need to locate the ribbons and bows, and clean up the buttonhooks that need it. We use button hooks and bows as decoration, hanging them all over the tree. We have around 130, but some don't get hung. I need to clean all of them again and coat with polyurathane to prevent rusting.

Here are some of the smaller ones. You can click on the picture to see them better.


  1. What a wonderful collection Jen and such great way to use them! I'm looking forward to seeing your tree decorated. (We've managed lights and cranberries but no ornaments yet.)

  2. Oh, they are so beautiful...little works of art...The tiny ones are so...well...tiny...=-) And what a unique idea to display them this way! I bet your tree is wonderful... Your garland and mantle look so homey! I love how you just whipped up such a simple and effective garland in your sewing room...I really do need to so many areas...

  3. Very cool garland and ornaments for your tree! You must have been collecting for a long time to get so many beautiful button hooks. I love the idea. Jen

  4. Jen, your mantle looks adorable! Love that garland, and Santas are always a favorite of mine. Those buttons hooks are wonderful! Can't wait to see your tree! :D

  5. Are you creative or what! Of course, we knew that already, but the buttonhooks are a wonderful Christmas tree decoration. Please show the tree when it's done.

  6. I love this custom you describe. Having tremendous trouble commenting though ...

  7. I love this custom you describe. Having tremendous trouble commenting though ...

  8. Kim - Thanks. Fee suggested hanging them on the tree several years ago, and we've loved being able to use them. He is out of town so I probably won't do the tree until he gets home. :)

    Debby - the tiny ones were used for baby clothes, collar buttons, and gloves; I love them. The garland was easy and gave me something to do while watching television.

    Jen - Oh, yes...a long time. We bought our first one on our honeymoon for $8 and were "hooked!"

    Angie - Thanks! Fee carved the Santas and there are many more. It always take me a long time to decide how and where to arrange them.

    Kay - I'm liking the garland, too. I'd seen all kinds of banners/garlands this year and then saw several neat Christmassy ones, and yo-yo's are so easy!

    ACey - I tried earlier to comment on the comments and it wouldn't work. Don't know what the problem is, but I'm trying again!

  9. The button hooks are so unique!! What a great way to display them. I've started collecting cowbells and I bet putting them on a tree would look cute.

  10. I love the garland and your mantle. Would you believe I have never seen button hooks before. I must be living is a shell on an island.

  11. Good to see that you are getting in the mood!

  12. How original to decorate with these
    timeless treasures! Merry Christmas!
    Came in by way of A.Tea.L

  13. Gee, I bought a button hook when I was in Homer this fall for my painting class. Don't know why, just loved it. It came as part of a set with some manicure tools.

    Interesting way to use them. I like your little star & yo-yo garland too. Cute!

  14. Your garland is so cute! I absolutely love your collection of button hooks. What a wonderful way to enjoy your collection!

  15. Nicky - Wouldn't the cowbells be cute tied on with bows! What a fun tree that would be.

    Debbi - If you don't visit antique shops and flea markets (and look closely), you wouldn't be familiar with buttonhooks. Even there, they are harder to find. :)

    Debra - I'm working on it Debra!

    Naturegirl - Merry Christmas to you and thanks for visiting!

    Deb - Yes, if the sets are complete, dealers will not break them up. People often had their manicure monogramed. What are you giving Broccoli for Christmas? :)

    kjquilts - Thanks! We do enjoy them and look forward to getting them out each year.

  16. Jen, I think what I like the most about the garland, besides its simplicity, is that it is made out of colors and prints beyond the expected red and green and yet it fits perfectly into the scheme...I had to come back for another look because I found myself thinking about this afternoon at a random monment...Thanks for showing it to us! =-)BTW, I can just picture you sitting there and stitching on it while watching something good on TV...very cozy picture...

  17. Wow, what a great collection...and what a cool decorating idea. :-D

  18. the garland looks great. That is a wonderful collection. I would never have thought to hang them on the tree. Can't wait to see the tree.

  19. I've never seen them before either and I'm still trying to picture the original use for them.

    But what a highly creative way you've transformed their use!!!!!!

  20. I love your buttonhooks collection! What a fantastic thing to collect! Beautiful.

  21. I love your buttonhooks. I have never seen anything like them before. Very special.


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