Saturday, September 25, 2021

September :)

Finally, cooler weather.  It is a pleasure to have a relief from the summer's heat and humidity, to feel energized and ready for a new season.  Today's high will be 90, but we've had several days in the 80's, and even 90 is so much better than the summer heat.  

Garden:  Not much going on.  Thinking about what changes for next year and when to start the lettuce for fall salads.  
First spider lilies bloomed overnight.  
They are always a sudden joy.

Fee trimmed some shrubbery a couple of weeks ago, and Stinker took over the ladder.  
He started to put it away, but decided to leave it a while.

Crafty Stuff
New little Halloween monsters

Some Halloween patches in progress

Books/Reading:  A lot of reading in August & September.  Reviews on the other blog.

Mail:  I've certainly not been keeping up with my mail.  I'm not sure why, but every time I think of going upstairs to reply, I find myself doing something else.   Quite a bit of catching up to do!

September mail so far.

Postcard from Hester

Card, letter, and envelope from Annie

from Susan

To B.E.



  1. So many great things in this post Jen. Love the spider lilies and you cat is so handsome as well. All of the Halloweenish things are awesome as well. Hope you are having a good weekend.

    1. Spider lilies are so sudden and so delightful! I adore the bright color and look forward to them each year. I have ended up putting out some Halloween things early this year because they lift my spirits. :)

  2. Love love love this post! You made me smile. Your monsters are so cute!

    1. Thanks, Debra! The cooler weather has been a relief, I'm so ready for fall!

  3. Wait, wait what other blog?? Can you direct me?

  4. The spider lilies are so pretty. Our garden is looking a bit parched but hopefully we'll see some of the fall blooms come out soon. And, your little monsters are adorable. I love the sayings on them. haha. So fun to see the mail. I've been in such a funk over covid, work, etc. that I've been having a hard time keeping up with creative pursuits. Hopefully the cooler temps will help!

    1. Our garden is a bit parched as well--it has been a hard summer for many plants. Thankfully, butterflies and bees have loved the cosmos, which has reseeded everywhere. I've been a funk, too, Iliana. I'm still only beginning to come out of it, and yes, the cooler weather helps, but so does cutting back on my news intake!

  5. Your posts are always so beautiful! I especially like the monsters. They make me smile!

    1. Thanks! I enjoyed making the little Nightmare Catchers, but I'm in the Halloween mood now, so these are just funny little monsters to celebrate the season. I've saved scraps of all sizes and got out some of the Halloween scrap bags and had some fun. :)

  6. There are times when I fall behind on blogs and things, too. Other duties call, or I'm suffering from screen fatigue, or something. One gets around to these things eventually...!

    1. :) There is always "something." I go through spells like this every so often, but in today's topsy-turvy world, I think everyone is going through this kind of mood change more frequently.

  7. Those spider lilies are gorgeous! What a treat.

    I love the Big Panda, Tiny Dragon message. It would be perfect in my RV. I may have to print it out and put it on our refrigerator. Love it!

    1. I adore spider lilies and love the surprise when it seems as if they appear out of no where! Yes, the Big Panda, Tiny Dragon would be perfect for your RV travels!

  8. I've never seen spider lilies. What a joy theyvmust bring! Xox

    1. They are wonderful and so cheerful! In the South, they are often called a "pass-along" plants. Hardy, colorful, easy to naturalize. For me, spider lilies are a harbinger of fall--it may still be warm, but just around the corner...fall is waiting!

  9. Love the Halloween sayings on your small beasties. You always seem to find the best cartoons to include. Ricky gets so excited when the first spider lilies appear. We now have more cream colored ones but some red flowers still hang in there.

    1. There is just something about the first spider lilies that promise a change from the summer heat! I'm with Ricky, I get excited when the first one comes up. :)


Good to hear from you!