Friday, January 19, 2018


In the aftermath of Christmas and New Year's, when I'd almost recovered from all of the activities and was ready to fall back into my usual quiet routine.  I had plans and energy still going, and was ready for a new direction...but then I fell victim to the same thing other family members have had.  Unlike Amelia and Fee, I didn't feel terrible (so grateful), but fatigue, inability to concentrate, headache.  Sleeping.  A lot.  Thank Goodness, it wasn't the flu.  This has been a terrible year for the flu--really epidemic proportions.  

On Tuesday, we actually had snow and temps in the teens!

I know you folks who have snow (and lots of it) EVERY year
may laugh a little at this, but it is so rare here!
We don't usually have temperatures this cold either.

 I'm still having fun with the cartoon-y characters and
enjoying the ability to write more on a postcard than 
just half of the back.

I blotted out this one because I was whining
about not feeling well and saying I'd send a letter soon.
to Suzie
 to Erin, belated thank you
 to Melody, another promise to write soon
I love that quote from Ann Richards.  She was a classy lady.


I've read three interesting books recently featuring deaf protagonists.  First, I re-read Resurrection Bay by Emma Viskic, then read her new one And Fire Came Down.  Both are set in Australia.  Then NetGalley offered Dark Pines by Will Dean with Tuva Moodyson as a deaf reporter in a small town in Sweden.  All three books were compelling.

I also read  Censored:  A Literary History of Subversion and Control which was a fascinating nonfiction book that started with the English translations of the Bible which resulted in the burning of books and people.  The Church didn't think it was a good idea for just anyone to have access to the Bible.  Other chapters discussed books and authors and their court cases, blasphemy and obscenity laws, etc.  It was extremely interesting and readable.


-more practice with stitching text
-catch up on correspondence; I'm working on this!
-soup bowl cozies; Annie made some gorgeous ones in October, then for Christmas Lisa     gave  me two that she made.  I've used them for soups, oatmeal, re-heating left overs--and   love them!  I made one before getting sick, but plan to make more soon.
-there are a couple of other sewing projects that I want to try as well

And so...I continue to play catch-up on a variety of things.  It is difficult to set priorities because there are things I want to do (see above) and all of those less enjoyable things that need to be done.  

What is going on with you in the New Year?  Projects?  Goals?  


  1. If snow is rare for your area, then it is a real treat. It is not rare where I live and I always think it’s beautiful. You just can’t let the beautiful fool you as it can be treacherous too. You always inspire me to keep sending snail mail! And I’m always reading. A little more than usual this month with less work hours AND catching a cold. Rest and a good book is good for what ails you. Or even if you are just feeling lazy.

    1. I'm glad we don't have to shovel our way to civilization and can look at our rare snow from the warm inside. Hope your cold is getting better, Annie! I'm all for the rest and a good book defense against any ills. :)

  2. The only resolution I'm willing to make is that if I'm feeling ill I will give myself time to get better again, preferably without infecting anyone else!
    Other than that, I have ideas, but not really Plans!

    1. That is always the best plan--stay home, rest, don't spread whatever you have. I already know that you have projects in the works, just keep those ideas coming. :)

  3. Good Morning! I'm so glad you did not get the "flu". We had some bug go through our house that must have been some version of it. then when it left, some coughing virus hit us all one by one. Like Indians, we fell victim to annoyance. But we are all good now and I am determined to make more time for stitching and have been working on developing a habit.

    Stay well and warm.
    xx, Carol

    1. Glad you are recovered, Carol! A little peaceful stitching is always a good thing. :)

  4. Love the post!

    Saige @

  5. I love sending letters and getting them too. Your little cutout creatures are so darned cute! We do have lots of snow, but I can see how it would be a treat to an area that never got it! Right now we are in the 40's for temps, and it's raining. Lots of icy pathways, so we have to be careful not to fall. Otherwise, it is pretty-especially on the hills by the lake-everything looks blue and misty.

  6. :) I keep drawing these strange creatures--they are kind of addictive. Do be careful where there is ice. Snow is pretty, but ice can be treacherous, can't it? Our weather is back in the 60's and feeling like spring!


Good to hear from you!