Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Election Posters and Suffragettes

Well, we did get the vote,
but it is interesting to see some of the posters
opposing the idea from the time period.

For more examples see Vintage Everyday

What courage it must have taken 
to risk prison and
to stand against the status quo, 
the opinions of spouses and family, 
the insults, and the violence.


Mrs. Pankhurst


  1. Those women went through a lot for us!! Never, ever, take things like voting for granted.

    1. And so many of them were middle-aged women raised during the Victorian period, not young rebels!

  2. And not just that, they were opposed by other women, who said they didn't need the vote because their husbands voted as they were told to!

    Just imagine hearing that. There's so much wrong with it one wouldn't know where to start...

  3. Wow! Those posters are downright mean! I've read about some of the persecution. It's amazing that they were so afraid of women but I guess they knew who held the real power!

    1. The posters I chose weren't even the most mean-spirited. Same with the photos--there are some that are startling in their abuse...

  4. If you have not seen the movie Suffragette, do make time for it. It's based on the true story of UK suffragette Maud Watts. Meryl Streep plays the part of Emmeline Pankhurst. At the very end of the movie there's a scrolling list of every country and the year when women from that country got the right to vote. That was an eye opener.

  5. Wow-I had no idea it was like that. we are so far removed from that prejudice now-at least in the USA.


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