Monday, September 05, 2016

Labor Day

Mila and Bryce Eleanor--
when legos are not available
and parents are outside....

 Hallie and Bob(cat)--
Couldn't meet a more cheerful little one
than niece Katy's kiddo.

The camp was bustling with aunts, uncles, and plenty of kids.

The last week has been a busy one!

Now it is time to return to a more routine schedule, 
but I loved having my Baton Rouge grands for a week.  :)


  1. Oh how I would love to have all of our Grandchildren here for a week -- but since we've been blessed with so many the house wouldn't hold them all and Tom and I would probably have to take a hotel to get some sleep *smile*!!

    1. I have three grandchildren, and only Max and Mila for the week at home. Down at the camp, though, lots of family gathered off and on over the weekend. My grandniece Hallie is the family's youngest addition, and it was so much fun to watch her. At least when we gather at the camp there is more room and during the weekend we old fogies came home at night. :)

  2. And a wonderful week for you all!


Good to hear from you!