Wednesday, May 18, 2016

This and That

Cloudy with a hint of rain
The daylilies are almost ready!
The tiny tomatoes are growing,
the Henry Duelberg salvia is taking over areas of the garden,
the tiny Tickseed Sunflowers brighten things up.

Dianthus and begonias add pink touches here and there.

Indian Hawthornes throughout the area are now suffering from entomosporium leaf spot.  Ugh.  I wondered what was going on with the shrubs.

Have you heard about the 100 Day Project?  I've seen this on a couple of blogs and love seeing the topics different people have chosen. The project ended April 30.

The goal was to work on the whatever project each person chose everyday, not complete it.  

Kim Smith made handmade, quirky, and delightful dolls
100 days of Peppah  :) photos of her dog, but in imaginary situations
tales of cloth  Carol, this one's for you--hexies!
not the blank page  collage
100 days of patterns


  1. Goodness, I just wish I could count on 100 days straight to concentrate on anything! One of these days...

    1. I liked seeing what they chose to focus on. Sometimes people chose things they were pretty much doing anyway, sometimes they really made a stretch. But 100 days is a really long time!

  2. 100 days is a scary commitment! But your flowers and plants are pretty!

    1. :) You already to it Cheryl! I love catching up on your daily pics of N.Y.C.!

  3. Your gardens are really beginning to blossom. We have daylilies blooming already and are eating fresh veggies, but we didn't have your flooding problems. It's great to see that your area is recovering. Love your beautiful blue salvia!

    1. The daylilies are blooming now--so cheerful! I bought the Henry Duelberg salvia at a Texas nursery about 12 years ago and loved that it had been discovered in a Texas cemetery by horticulturist Greg Grant. When we moved I was sure to bring several plants with me--especially the Henry Duelberg. :) Butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds love it.

  4. Lovely garden. This time of the year makes it difficult to sit still and stitch! I want to be outside all the time.

    1. Every year about this time, there is more activity outside and less online. Before the heat of summer, we have to appreciate this opportunity and enjoy what nature has on offer!


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