Friday, July 16, 2010

Fresh, Crisp, and Absolutely Queen Anne

I love Queen Anne's Lace!  I cultivated in my old garden, posted about it frequently, and miss it in this new garden, but next year, I'll have my favorite again.

Kathrin at Annekata has been embroidering the lacey look of my old favorite.  Aren't these lovely?
 The simplicity of her white stitches is just beautiful and immediately calls to mind the fresh, friendly elegance of the flower. 

Last year's Q. A. at dusk.

Off to run errands.

Have a great weekend!


  1. You just KNEW I'd love this =-) I actually had to pull some out of my lily bed last week so I could see the lilies bloom...but I left some...I love it so...

    ETA- my word verification is 'swath' in a swath of QAL!!! What can be nicer? =-)

  2. As a child, on our farm in upstate NY, we used this ubiquitous flower for all sorts of things. I think it grows just about every where in the northern hemisphere.

  3. Francosie - Don't those lovely white stitches just bring the flower to mind?

    Debby - I should have said, "Debby and I" love Q.A. as I thought of you when I pulled up the old pics! I miss my swath of Q.A--:)

    Gerrie - I held back from calling it a weed, but it really is, I suppose. Still, if it greets the summer with such beauty, who cares? Q.A. adds just the right touch to any flower arrangement for me.

    I think I'm going to try the white stitching like Kathrin is using...just because it makes me smile!

  4. Just about my favorite flower!

  5. I love Queen Anne's Lace, too ... and now I'm wondering if I can cuitivate some here. Hmmmm.

  6. I don't see Queen Anne's Lace here and I miss it!

  7. I don't call things weeds anymore, I call them indigenous botanicals.

  8. Kay - Isn't it amazing how many people adore this prolific wild flower!

    Sophie - It re-seeds so easily that if you ever get it started, you will never run out!

    Debra - I don't remember how mine got started, but I quit saving seed because it managed to re-seed itself. I'm going to look for seed next time I go to a garden center!

    ACey - That's the spirit! Doesn't "indigenous botanical" have an elegant ring to it?

  9. I often wondered what Queen Anne´s Lace is - without finding it really necessary to look it up in the dictionary - which I mustn´t any more now...

  10. Ger - also known as wild carrot, cow parsley, Bishop's Lace, birds nest...and is considered a beneficial weed because it attracts predatory wasps and is a good companion crop for tomatoes and lettuce.


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