Thursday, December 06, 2007

What's up

with blogger? I'm not getting emails about comments on my blogs. I've gone in and checked and re-saved settings, but still not getting emails. This has occurred several times in the last few days. At first, when I found comments without emails my assumption was that I'd inadvertently omitted them. However, that is obviously not the case.


  1. It's happening to me as well!

  2. Has happened to me, too. I've been going to the moderation page to keep up.

  3. Marie and Nellie -- I notice that it still isn't fixed. Some e-mails come through, but many do not. Marie's did, but Nellie's didn't. Hope they fix it soon because if someone comments on an older post, we would not know about it.

  4. I experienced the same thing. think they may have fixed it. did you get an email for this!?

  5. kimy -- Yep! And I've gotten several this morning. Maybe they have it fixed.


Good to hear from you!