Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Since yesterday's trip to the post office was a no go --and I did know it was Veteran's Day, I just had the post office and the bank on yesterday's list of errands without thinking. Actually, I don't think another couple of stops were in the works yesterday anyway because I was pretty tired.

Today, however, saw the book off to Amy and the beads on their way to ACey. What I want to do tomorrow is...not leave the house. At all. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I know there is something I have to do, but I haven't checked my calendar yet so whatever it is just kind of teases me.

Latest addition to the onesie sets. I will probably make a burp cloth to go with this one, too.
I've also made a little progress on the letters for the Winter Class. The invocation by Dame Julian of Norwich posted a month ago has stayed with me; the repetition, rhythm, and simplicity of the quote are calming. I had planned to use pieced letters for "All shall be well" and then move to embroidered letters for the rest of the quote. Unfortunately, relying on my faulty memory, I thought it was will (no, it is shall) and made a w and an i and will now have to make the appropriate s, h, and a and discard my i. All I had done was the first two words and one of those was wrong, nevertheless:

All shall
be well,
and all shall
be well,
and all manner
of thing
shall be well.

dame julian of norwich - 14th century - mystic

Or I may decide on something else entirely. The pieced letters appear to be more challenging for me than for some of the other participants, but if there is ever an hour straight to work on them, maybe I'll get in the flow. "All shall be well" as Dame Julian said. Whether I stick with this plan or move in another direction with-- maybe-- only one word. And a short one at that.

The refrigerator is clean, left overs disposed of, sheets changed, living room picked up, sewing room re-arranged again, laundry almost done, supper planned. Life is good.


  1. I love dame judith's invocation -I shall try and commit it to memory! thanks so much for sharing it again - I must have missed it first time around. that does happen, unfortunately for me. but I have now caught up on the bayou since I last checked in.

    I would have loved to have gotten involved with lgt's winter tutorial/class, but the next couple months are absolutely overpacked - maybe next time around!

    best of luck on the pieced letters - I'm sure you will soon conquer the challenge.

  2. kimy -- The invocation is so simple, but so calming.

    I really planned to just "audit" the class, but couldn't resist trying!

  3. I love that quote as well. gorgeous. trust me letters can be difficult. and you have lots of hard letters in there and not many of the easies. did you at least start out making the easier ones (t, h, i, o)?

  4. Tonya - It is a great quote, isn't it? Duh, no, I didn't start with the easy ones. Now that would have been the smart thing, but it didn't occur to me. I've gotten through a few more with a lot of effort!

  5. Thanks so much for sending me those fish! You have been out and about for so many days in a row that I don't blame you for wanting to slow things down with a day in the house.

  6. Best thing about visiting others' blogs is finding out that you're not alone in doing or having done...just about anything or everything. I went to the Post Office Monday too, and I knew it was Veteran's Day as I had just blogged about it. But then...I got another post out of it the next day, when it was open and I discoved my newspaper did not count as 'Media Rate' mail. Another arrrghhh. I didn't complain while there, but I sure wanted to ;)

  7. Acey -- The little fish should be there soon. Yep, those slow down days are a requirement not to be overlooked.

    Q.J. -- Isn't it strange that even though you may know something with one part of your brain, another part simply fails to take the information into account? How odd that newspapers don't fall in the category of media!


Good to hear from you!