Friday, January 05, 2007

Short Trip

I'm going to make a quick trip to Baton Rouge tomorrow to see Erin. My friend Thomas has a meeting in New Orleans and asked if I'd like to ride along and stay with Erin in B.R. while he goes on to New Orleans. Wasn't sure if it would work out, but fortunately, things came together, and I'll be able to spend the night, play with Mila and Max, and visit with Erin and Eric. Thomas will pick me up on his way back on Sunday. :)


  1. Ohh, don't you love unexpected trips that come along! And you get to see the little ones again, what a treat! Safe journey and have a GREAT time being a Grandma!! =-)

  2. Yes, I hate driving that long now, and the opportunity to ride for 4+ hours rather than drive is much appreciated. Thanks for the good wishes!

  3. We have to seize the moments when they present themselves. :p Have a wonderful time. Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my questions re your last post.

  4. You really had to have your arm twisted, didn't you? Have fun kissing and squeezing!


Good to hear from you!