Saturday, December 02, 2006

Birthday Girl and new Mail

Last night, we took Amelia out to eat for her birthday. Afterwords, unbeknownst to Amelia, she and Chris were going back to their house for a surprise birthday party. We didn't go, and I hate having missed all the pictures at the party, but have some from dinner.

Blogger is doing a new kind of strange. Can't post pictures, not unusual, but a different problem.

My swap with Deb H. arrived yesterday! A beautiful postcard all sparkly with Angelina fibers and a pin for the new coat I'm going to buy! Gorgeous stuff. Thanks so much, Deb! I will have to post pictures when Blogger allows.


  1. You're welcome! I hope your picture turns out better than mine. The color of the Angelina never shows when I snap them. It never seems to look as good as the real thing.

  2. I had problems with pictures too.

    Hope you're having a nice weekend.


Good to hear from you!