Friday, April 28, 2006

So Long, Farewell, Via con Dios

The Well-loved Child and her Adored Mother left yesterday afternoon. I missed them as soon as they left...placed all of the books we'd read back into the book baskets, washed the sippy cups, told the rabbit we spotted yesterday morning grazing in the garden and who "hided in the bushes" that next time Mila would appreciate a longer conversation, folded the sunshine yellow panties that were left in the dryer, and comforted my heart with promises of seeing them again soon.

We went to the Board Walk along the river yesterday for some Mila shopping (and for her anticipated little brother) and lunch. Wish I'd taken more pictures of this nice little shopping development that is built like a little town with bricked streets (all cars are in a large parking lot and the only transportation in the "little town" is by trolley - whose tracks run down the middle of the streets).
Mila rode the carousel; after careful consideration of which animal to ride, she chose a bright red crawfish.

Then we discovered the POP-UP absolute delight for children and adults both. Right under the bridge, the fountain remains in shade, and the various spigots spout water in a pattern that begins with random spouts, carefully examined by fascinated children, and ends with all fountains spouting before starting over again. We sat for nearly an hour watching this engaging display as the children actually talked to and called to the water. I forgot about my camera until shortly before we left, but managed to get a few shots.


  1. Your daughter and granddaughter are both so pretty!

    I would totally want to play in that fountain with the kids. :-D

  2. Jen, what a gorgeous kid (well, kids). I don't comment much but I will tell you that I love reading your blog and looking at the spectacular nature photos. There is something so lyrical about both your writing and your visuals.

  3. Oh, this post just warmed my heart! Your details show me just how much you love and value your family! Thank you for sharing them with us!


Good to hear from you!