Sunday, April 30, 2006

Rained Out

Yesterday was World Tai Chi Day, and we were supposed to meet at Betty Virginia Park to join other schools and practioners. Rain, however, prevented that local event from taking place, although all over the world others were participating. Last year, it was unexpectedly cold and there was a little drizzel, but the event took place. Here is a picture from Robert Trudeau's blog (April 2005) of Master Guerin's group (Beth, Glen, Thomas, me (in white), Jimmy, "the dentist," Craig and Alison were among those who showed up. Janis Gabriel's Phoenix Temple school was also there.

It was disappointing that the rain canceled us, but we had class in a nice dry studio instead. A small class as only five of us braved the weather; only Jimmy and I were there for the second class, so we got one on one instruction as Master Guerin worked with each of us separately.

Garden in the rain yesterday morning before I left for class. See how eagerly the plants are soaking up their rainy blessing. Friday, I worked all day in the yard and transplanted several volunteer seedlings and potted up some more stuff for Laddie, Amelia, and Erin. Erin took back several plants including another volunteer peach tree. The squirrels have buried the peach pits for years and seedlings show up all the time. Since losing the original tree in Rita's aftermath, I'm more grateful for these peachy offsprings. Dozens of little rose campion babies that were abruptly snatched from their original spots and placed elsewhere were visibly grateful for yesterday's rain. As were the Queen Anne's Lace...a weed I love beyond all logic.

I'm not a gentle gardener. While throwing away perfectly good plants is difficult for me and I do my best to give them another chance elsewhere, I have literally pulled many up by the roots to dispose of them and then decided to see if they would survive in another spot. It always surprises me that the majority do manage to thrive after such indelicate treatment.


  1. Your writing about gardening is beautiful! I am just beginning to dabble in gardening and I relish your descriptions! Thank you!

  2. I love seeing all that moisture. We're having a severe drought and received less than a quarter inch in all of April, which is usually one of our best moisture months, average 1.33 inches. In a good year we get about 12 inches total. I also love Queen Anne's Lace and it is taking over my front yard, will have to grub some out. Hope I have some volunteer Rose Campions this year, another favorite. Oh, I love them all!

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog and the comments I love the things you make and the gardening comment are great I adding you blog on my list ,
    regards Emmy


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