I've been scanning old pictures for my brothers from a batch Mother gave me years ago. These were taken in 1952 at Tabasco Field in Mission, Texas when Dad worked for Houston Oil Co. Top is Mother, bottom is my brother Stephen and myself.

The Illuminator - something of a disappointment; loved the historical aspects, especially those sections about Wycliffe's heretical beliefs that the common man could be "his own priest," that he could interpret the Bible for himself, and that religious writing should be in English, not Latin; the Watt Tyler rebellion and the religious and political chaos that resulted; the struggle between Church and Monarchy for power and profit. The novel began with interesting characters and storyline, but was subjugated to the historical elements, losing impact as the characterization and narrative dissipated. Or maybe I was disappointed because it didn't have a happy ending.
Now reading The Next Step in the Dance by Tim Gatreaux.
I've made a start on my first piece for the JQC2006. It may be just a preliminary attempt, but at least I'm working and trying a new technique. More later.
I'm in the same stream as Alice...love the quote, the older pictures and I need to get moving on my JQ. I like historical novels but I want the novel to know that it is a novel and develop as literature and not attempting to substitute as a retelling of history.
ReplyDeleteJen, I tried to post this but it wouldn't...so if there are two...sorry =-/ I love your photos. I can almost feel the air in them, especially the one of your mom...in that one I can hear the leaves rustle and the birds singing. I'm very interested to hear what you think of "The Next Step in the Dance." It sounds like something I would enjoy...I collect books I want to read like I collect fabric!
Do you know what happened to the Houston Oil Co.? Love the pictures too!