Monday, October 31, 2005

Chris & Amelia's Halloween Party

To the far right, the man I married on Oct. 29, 1971.

Amelia, Chris, & Rachel - The Carver and Victims - from "Nip & Tuck," which I've never watched, but which sounds Creepy.

Cowboy Crystal, Jen the Pregnant Bride, & Little Chris St. Pierre as Geisha.

Amelia directing Brodie (Elvis), L.J. (Superman), and Jezza. Amelia changing Jezza from Snow White to an ... Angel. L.J. couldn't wear his Elvis costume because Brodie was wearing "The King" costume.

I have more pictures, but having trouble loading. Anyway, Fee and I had a
Very Special Anniversary, but were home by 9:30! We left before several
of the guests arrived, but I did get pictures of Kyle, Kevin, Schontz and Tori,
Chico and Rebecca, and Todd.


  1. Happy Anniversary! Looks like you all had fun! Jen

  2. well you guys know how to do it right!!! thanks for the birthday wishes!! Ginger

  3. Looks like a fun party, Jen!!

  4. What a fun party and he has a mighty might 'fro!! LOL!


Good to hear from you!