Thursday, September 22, 2005

Here is the winter trees quilt I'm working on. Posted by Picasa


  1. Oh, I love this, Jen. The trees almost look like they're reaching or dancing and one of them has caught the moon. And those squares across the top look like the edge of a film strip.

  2. Thanks, Deb! I pieced a bunch of black and white blocks for a project a while back and had extras, so I put one across the top, and like you, thought it looked like a film strip. I'm glad you like it!

  3. I like this. Very direct and unfussy. I like the clean lines.

  4. Wow !, that's beautiful.

  5. OOooo with the film strip across the top and the season, you could call it "Freeze frame" :}Love the simplicity of the colour scheme.

  6. Jen...what a marvelous the format and the simplicity.

  7. It's wonderful! I really admire peopole who can work in black and white. I just can't seem to get away from color!

  8. This is just beautiful! You have done a wonderful job with the black and white...I can so clearly see the light and shadow and feel the cold. The trees all on the same plane create a stillness.

    This is why I haven't abandoned my commercial fabric stash. It's all in what you do with it.Jen


Good to hear from you!