Thursday, August 04, 2016

A Visitor and Some Snail Mail

I have company,
and she makes nests on the floor
to read or play on her ipad.
And drink frozen Gatorade.
 And give Edgar a great deal of attention.
Ever since B.E. was a toddler and Edgar a tiny kitten,
he has always followed her around and been so patient.

Snail Mail

Love the Ingrid Bergman stamp!
from Mrs. Duffy

A new correspondent--Cathy from SC
 the back makes me smile!


The above two letters went out in yesterday's mail.
Two down, but I have quite a few more to answer.

Like this one from Jaque!
I love the envelope and all the stamps. 

from Debra at Artisun
this beautiful card, a vintage tea towel (an exchange),
and 2 used tea bags to play with!

from Anna at Billet Doux--
the monkey stamp hanging from the top
is so unusual for the postage world.
I've seen these stamps on different mail art blogs
and now in person!  :)
designed to cling to the edge of the envelope.

 And Melody has sent me a letter
with a circus themed envelope!
Look at that tiny bunting!
Oh, I see several ideas here to copy use as inspiration!

 Keeping in mind that I have company for a few days,
I still intend to see if I can get at least two more
letters in the mail by Saturday!


  1. Oh, I'm so glad the postal authorities didn't "CANCEL" that cute monkey!
    I hope the US picks up on this and designs something for us.

    1. Isn't he a cutie? I love stamps with unusual shapes, but this series has some really original ones!

  2. You get such beautiful mail!

    1. I look forward to the seeing what is in the mailbox these days! :)

  3. You gotta love a kid and a pet. It just makes your heart swell to see them together. Even now at 21 I still love to see my grandson interact with our dogs. You are getting some great art mail. What do you do with it all? Nosey, aren't I. It would make such a great display in the library.
    xx, Carol

    1. Bryce Eleanor has dogs, but she is fascinated by cats--especially Edgar who has always allowed her to do what she pleased with him. I save all my mail, but you are right, it might make a great display in a library to encourage letter writing. :)

  4. That looks like some fun company you have! I'm sure you could get her to sit and design and write a postcard while you write letters. You have the happiest mailbox. You are so right, those edge clinging postage stamps are hilariously fun. That is such a great idea for postage. I love the 'traveling circus' envelope,

    1. :) She has a thank you note to write to one of her mother's friends who gave her a couple of books by James Joyce. We will be tackling that later. I love some of the foreign postage stamps that are so creative--cool stamps make sending and receiving so much more fun.

  5. Lovely that Edgar and BE have grown up together!

    1. Lucy and Stinker always keep to themselves, but Edgar is people-person and is fascinated by Bryce Eleanor. With an eye on an escape route at all times. :)

  6. Delightful post, the visions of summer from the perspective of a child and the fun to be had with stamps.

    1. The kid wrote a brief thank you note for some books that a friend of Amelia's gave her, but most of the time it was the kid, the cat, and the ipad!


Good to hear from you!