Wednesday, June 09, 2010


Bryce Eleanor is learning to clean up!  We had Leggos and wooden blocks scattered out several times, and she enjoyed picking them up almost as much as playing with them.  Of course, we offered much praise for her industry.

We read our books last night, said our prayers, and she was off to sleep.  Woke up generally enchanted with the world!  How wonderful to wake up with that attitude every morning, so full of joy that it is contagious.  Fee has taken her to the nursery now.

Things I like (a lot):

these bags by kaye at the stitching life
that creative chick susan sorrell's work
this gorgeous quilt by dorothy at  Crazy Horse Quilting

Have a great day!


  1. What a sweet post. You must be having the time of your life with her.

  2. Waking up enchanted wtih the world - what a great lesson for all of us.
    And thank you for the mention!


Good to hear from you!