Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cold and Crafty Sunday

Found a 6 pack of "silver" bobby pins at Michael's the other day and glued buttons on them.  A little E6000 glue, buttons and beads, and done.

It is cold and dreary today.  Although I'd hoped to be able to get out in the garden and put some plants in the ground, that's not happening.  On the other hand, it is a nice day for staying inside, so I lit a fire and plan on reading and maybe working some more on Mila's crown.

Have worked on two more doll heads and want to make a little quilt for the one I was working on the other day.  I may gather some scraps and plan a tiny quilt.

Still haven't finished the Easter embroideries, but have been working on a sweet lamb which is to be the final one.

Watched a great documentary last night

Here is a link to their version of The Ramones "I Wanna to Be Sedated" --  Really, take the time to watch this!


  1. Rock on, Grandma! I have to see that movie! What a riot!

  2. Whaat a great idea. would love to make some..

  3. Rian - I thoroughly enjoyed it!

    Rima - So easy to do! I found the bobby pins at Michael's and just glued the buttons and beads on!

  4. Sheesh, I got misty just watching the preview...imagine the wreck I'd be watching the whole movie...but I want to! =-)

  5. Debby - When they performed at a prison, many of those men looked as if they were going to cry!
    It really is a great documentary.


Good to hear from you!