Wednesday, September 02, 2009


My daughter has a blog geared to shopping for toddlers. She posts links to sales and coupons etc. for clothing and accessories for little ones.

Things have been a bit hectic around here this morning-- my refrigerator decided to take a vacation, leaving me with a big ice chest full of food. Hopefully, this will be a short vacation and not a total abdication. Now waiting on the arrival of my favorite appliance repairman (Daryl has saved me a lot of money on appliances over the years).

To practice a positive outlook, I'm looking at this as an opportunity to clean out my refrigerator. Fingers crossed that I can refill it later...and not purchase a new one!


  1. Thanks Mom!!!

    Sorry about the fridge - but see you Tomorrow!

  2. I love a clean fridge...doesn't happen often but it's so nice when it does...I should take care of that...=-) I'm home for another two weeks then back to on my blog of how the summer went...can't wait to get out of this heat again! Good to see you! Deb

  3. I cleaned my fridge yesterday and thankfully it wasn't due to a breakdown. I hope yours is an easy fix.

  4. If you clean your fridge I certainly hope the desease isn't fatal ...... what a waste of time and energy to clean it them have to dump it!
    May Daryl do someting magic for you!
    Judy B

  5. ALM - :) Fridge is working now; Daryl came through again!

    Deb - I love a clean fridge, too; love being able to get to things easily.

    I'll be over to check on your NY pictures soon!

    Lisa - You are welcome! Hope you find some boy things!

    Connie - Things worked out much better than expected here...and now we both have clean fridges!

    Judy B - Luck was with me this time!


Good to hear from you!