Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Doll

Intended to work more on this little fellow today, but I've got a dreadful cold. Maybe tonight, I'll put the finishing touches on him.This one is made with cheap gloves.
Also intended to finish the carrier for my yoga mat so I could use it tonight, but I won't be going to yoga.

I've read a little and slept a lot today. None of the medications seem to be helping the congestion in my head, so I'm something of a mouth-breather at the moment. :(


  1. I can't wait to see this one, it's intriguing! I did love the other sock doll so much, it was simply adorable...More important than all of that though is this: I hope you get to feeling better SOON! Winter colds are no fun...well, no season has a "fun" cold...but you know what I mean... Cozy in, rest up, and get better!! =-)

  2. I love his schnoz!
    Hope your feeling better.

  3. hope the cold moves quickly and does not linger. Love how clever you are. So many delightful projects.

  4. I have the crud right now too. I use Afrin just at bedtime so I can breathe to sleep. If you only use it once a day you won't get the rebound, & sleep helps you get better faster!

    I love your doll. It's a riot!

  5. Debby - Thanks for the nice comments on the little monster and for the good wishes concerning the cold!

    Kim - The schnoz is a family trait and an object of pride! Thanks, I'm getting better now. (This is Saturday--I SHOULD be better!)

    ACey - Thanks, for the good thoughts!

    Deb H - I know about the temptation to use a nasal spray, but like you, fear the rebound effect. I'm using a saline solution, too. Not nearly as effective, but provides a bit of relief.

    Hope your crud is getting better, too!


Good to hear from you!