Friday, September 02, 2005

Katrina and recovery attempts

Jackson, Miss. has been without power, water, and gas for a week now, and they are pretty far inland. Katrina went through that area in about category 2 stage. Eric finally decided he didn't need to be there (no bath, no air conditioning, no water, no gas, etc.) , and Erin went to pick him up yesterday, taking ice, bottled water, food, and gas for the neighbors. The neighbors were most grateful for the ice and the gas. Fortunately, power is being restored in Jackson now.

Refugees everywhere; our area has increased in size with evacuees - both those who have family and friends to stay with and those who are in the many shelters. Businesses have been incredibly kind and generous; people willing to volunteer are giving their time and skills. Still never enough, and we are in the best of situations, unlike places like Baton Rouge and Jackson who have no electricity, etc. and are swarmed with the needy and the suffering. I can't bear thinking about the Super Dome and the Astrodome.

This situation will test the resiliency of the entire nation and demonstrates how unprepared we have been to deal with a catastrophe of this size and nature.

I've been touched by all the people from different lists who have emailed and offered help and sympathy, phone numbers, offers of places to come. Not because we are in need, we are the fortunate ones, but because of the humanity and compassion demonstrated.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your kind thoughts on my blog in my misery! I am hoping for the best for our nation. I am inspired by seeing the resilience of many. It is almost more than one can comprehend. Now that I am away from work, and I am going to take a "katrina break" and do something mentally good for myself.


Good to hear from you!