Friday, April 27, 2012

Grandparents' Day

This morning was Grandparents' Day at St. Joseph's where Bryce Eleanor goes to kindergarten. We picked her up about 7:30 and took her to school, visited in her classroom, attended the program, picked out a book at the book fair, and then back to the classroom for refreshments before checking her out and bringing her home with us.

Fee went back to work, and B.E. and I went to Target   I needed a few grocery items, but honestly, B.E. chattered so much, I couldn't remember just what.  She chose a watermelon (a small "personal-sized" one), bananas, blueberries, and jello.

A few more hours of playtime, walking, playing hide-and-seek, riding her bike, and then we both took a long nap before Chris came to pick her up around 5:00.

Bloom on a banana plant!
No stitching at all this week...very strange.  I've been indulging in a reading frenzy, however, when not working in the garden or catching up on chores.  Tomorrow, I intend to get back to some work on fabric in one way or another.


  1. What a wonderful way to spend the day! I love the banana plant bloom. Maybe you'll even have a few bananas later.

    Have you noticed the magnolias blooming? I just love their scent. Have a great weekend!

  2. Sounds like a lovely day with your little gal! :)

  3. Mary - It was a fun day with B.E., and a full one.

    I almost posted a pic of a magnolia bud in this post. The tree is in the side yard and doesn't get as much sun so the lower branches still have buds, but the upper part of the tree is crowned with lovely white blooms!

    The trees across the street are in glorious full bloom!

    Nancy - We had fun, but we both needed that nap in the afternoon! Between the activity and the allergies, I was more exhausted than B.E. who had run like the wind most of the day. She loves to run and watching her is a pleasure.

  4. Cute pictures of B.E. and her friends.
    The flower on the banana plant is beautiful!

  5. B.E. is a very busy little girl!

  6. Francoise - Thanks, Francoise!

    Rian - Oh, yes! A busy bee that B.E. And very, very talkative. :)

  7. Your flower photos are quite beautiful!


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