Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Bryce Eleanor and John David enjoyed the snow day last week.  L.J. seems unusually calm as he trots along beside them. B.E. was decked out in pre-Mardi Gras beads and a pair of J.D.'s outgrown boots.
I'm feeling lazy this morning, but must get up and away from the computer and do a little yoga, then maybe a little sewing.


  1. What a darling photo with the little dog trotting along beside them.

  2. What a cute photo! This would make a great greeting card!

    It's nice to catch up with you Jen. I've been thinking about yo lately. I think it started with the Super Bowl, then I took my ATC & Postquards to my class this last weekend & showed the students all th examples, including yours!

    I loved all of your hearts too!

  3. What a beautiful couple! I love seeing such attractive children - oh, and btw - we call him "TB" for "the boy" not "J.D." Heeheehee!

  4. Rian - They evidently took to the snow like old pros!

    DebH - It is one of my favorites of Amelia's photos! Bryce Eleanor and John David are quite a pair.

    Oh, that swap several years ago! I was looking at the ones I received not long ago. It was such fun to get those postcards through the mail!

    Debra - I agree! It really is a great photo of the two of them.

    Amelia - They look so sweet, don't they? Hard to believe the mischief they get up to!

  5. A-DOR-able! That should be in a magazine or up on a wall...I love her beads and the hand holding and the faitful companion alongside...just so sweet!

  6. Debby - Amelia is in love with her new camera; I'm in love with her pictures! Of course, I am a doting grandmother!


Good to hear from you!