Thursday, November 15, 2007

Aren't Post Titles a Chore?

Fee brought home this lovely (massive, great big) container of biscotti. How do I love biscotti, let me count the ways...until they are all gone! Good man!I'm working on so many projects at once that I have to make a list to make sure that none of them are neglected. Today, I'll make letters "B" and "E" for the Winter Class of liberated piecing and cut some more strips for the newest quilt with Anna Maria Horner's fabric. If those 2 things get done, whatever else happens will be fine.

No real arrangement for the Winter Class piece has yet emerged, but these are the blocks I've done so far, photographed on different backgrounds. Actually, I'm still not sure this one will go anywhere, but I'm learning about pieced letters anyway.
This is a picture of my hutch, located near the door to the patio. The hutch serves many purposes including holding whatever might be wanted when taking outside breaks. Yesterday's high was 84, but today is much cooler, and outside breaks will soon be a thing of the past. The point is to show you what it looks like when the area is clean. Clean? you might say--it looks pretty cluttered. But no, it is as uncluttered as it will ever be; yesterday, I cleared off 90% of what was stacked here and will be stacked here again. By the end of the day, hutch accumulation will have gotten underway. When it reaches a certain level of chaos, I'll post an update.

Yesterday, I relocated 5 books and 6 or 7 magazines (into neat stacks elsewhere: by my chair, by the bed, in the sewing room), put my note pads and "hard copy" journal in the drawer, put most pens, pencils, and highlighters in the white container (which is always there, but the pens are often just lying on top of books), cleaned up crumbs from the dog biscuits that are in the blue and white bowl, moved my sun glasses, overlooked the binoculars (dark object in left corner) because the birds and the butterflies are so active.


  1. Oooh I am a biscotti lover too. Let me at that jar!!

  2. Fee is a very bright man - understanding about lovely containers as well as what's in them. *Some*body might say the hutch is still cluttered but I think it looks tidy and self-contained.

  3. I like the colors in that quilt. For about a year I've been thinking about a quilt in greyed tones like you see in the winter here: greens, blues, and various greys with white. That's what yours makes me think of. And that hutch looks VERY neat to me. I love to hear about other people's clutter

  4. swooze-- Come on. There are plenty!

    Acey -- He does know the way to my heart. I think it looks tidy now, too. If it would only stay that way!

    Kay -- I think the grey/blue gives a nice winter look. Oh, I'm a clutter expert, Kay. I see no point in putting away things you might need soon, and books, paper, pens, and fabric all fall in that category!


Good to hear from you!