Thursday, May 07, 2015

thinking about

This Dutch man does what more of us should do. 
 He put words into action and inspired others.
via Bored Panda

A five-year-old boy designing and sewing his own teddy.  
I love his determination to do it himself.

School lunches (at least in the schools I attended and taught in) were never appetizing and the cafeteria smell was always overwhelming.  However, the French know how to do it right.  I bet even their hospital meals are a treat for the palate.

First course: Cucumber and tomato salad
Main course: Veal marinated with mushrooms, broccoli, cheese
Dessert: Apple tart

Compare to the lunch below from Jackson, Georgia.  
via Collective Evolution

Check the link to see more examples.
Both good and bad.

Crafty/Quilty Stuff

I made a good deal of progress in organizing and re-arranging my studio.  For better or worse, I never finished, just began getting things put away at the end because I needed to have a clean space for when Bryce Eleanor visited.  Superficially, it looks so much better, but there is still much to be done.

Yesterday, I started another fidget quilt, working from around 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM.  It isn't the quilt I had in mind because I failed to consult my LIST (the one that has my ideas for fidget quilts).  The top, however, is pieced, and I put together the quilt sandwich before quitting.  :)  All the little fidget quilts are approximately 18" by 22"--which is a good lap size.  I finally took that first step and kept at it all day.  

 I read Sharon Bolton's Little Black Lies at the end of April and the review is up on my book blog.  It is the best book she's written so far, and I hope some of you will read it. A psychological mystery set in the Falkland Islands about ten years after the Falklands War, it is completely different from her earlier works and a stand-alone, I really could not put it down!


  1. Thank you very much, I'd rather not be reminded of school dinners!
    I know the feeling, starting out aiming for a complete organisation and ending up just putting stuff away because time ran out. Still - even half the job is a step in the right direction...

    1. School dinners are a sad little topic, aren't they? The clean up, although incomplete, was beneficial. I found some things I'd forgotten and the space looks better. Of course, I've lost some things as well, no doubt, as I stuffed thing in drawers with the intention? of doing a better job later!

  2. I work at a high school but never eat lunch in the cafeteria. I prefer my reliable sandwich and fresh veggies. Kids think I'm nuts because I never change the meal. Cleaning never ends, so don't stress over the fact that you didn't finish. You can get back to it later. I'm anxious to see the fidget quilt. I can't believe that you have a list! I just go with whatever is happening at the moment. It's probably why I haven't tried some techniques I want to experiment with. As for the book, you have me wanting to pick it up--maybe this summer.

    1. :) I never ate in the cafeteria, either. Teachers gathered in the lounge or in someone's room for home made lunches.

      I don't have a list of quilts, just ideas to include: fabric flowers, buttons, ruffles, etc. I planned to try some flaps for the next quilt, but because I rarely look for my lists when I need them, that never entered my mind. Pinterest is a great source of ideas for things to include on a f. q. and when I see something I want to try at some point, I jot it down.

  3. I flipped (rather my stomach did) when I saw the photo of the American school lunch. Shocking. For some kids, the school lunch is the only hot meal they'll get all day. Mrs. Obama is trying to get more vegetables into school lunches but do kids eat them? This is a very big problem, especially when you consider how many obese children there are today. We need to stop feeding our nation (not just kids) GMOs and HFCSs, and preservative-laden frankenfoods.

    1. I suppose it is tremendously difficult to make changes, not only in the content of school lunches, but in the way the lunches are prepared. Money is a part of the problem, organic and locally produced foods are more expensive. Preparation of lunches for hundreds of kids at a time is a traditional problem, too. At least, more and more people are calling attention to the quality of school lunches and American diets, not that we are making enough progress in the battle against GMOs, HFCS, and preservative-laden foods in general.

  4. Jenclair, one of the things I have done is to drop things into a basket when I run across stuff that would work on a fidget quilt. It's helping me to keep track of the ideas and where the items are. I am loving Pinterest for techniques. You're giving me ideas. The problem is having enough time! (of course)

    Also, I recommend Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser. I've taught sections of the book but read the entire book. It's a bit long, but the history and background are pretty amazing. Schlosser presents the historical and scientific facts and includes the human side by introducing people who have experience in the various industries: a rancher, a meat packer, a McDonald's checker, etc. He explains how fast food came about, the economic impact, and how it affects how our children eat today. Really you'll never look at the golden arches (or any fast food place) again. And if you aren't a fan before you read it, the book will give you lots of ammunition for your arguments. (Have I convinced you?)

    1. :) I have a basket, too. Actually, several baskets for various projects! I've heard great things about Fast Food Nation; don't know why I haven't read it yet. Maybe because I'm afraid it will further complicate my feelings about food!


Good to hear from you!