Friday, October 18, 2013


I'm trying to catch up on reviews on my other blog.  I've read two recently that I really enjoyed, but haven't finished the review yet.  The Gauguin Connection and The Dante Connection by Estelle Ryan are both entertaining mysteries with an unusual protagonist in Genevieve Lenard, a highly functioning autistic woman with multiple degrees, a little OCD, and debatable social skills.  

She works for a prestigious French insurance firm where where her expertise in non-verbal communication and her analytical ability make her invaluable.  Both novels offer humor and suspense and wonderful characters.  This is a series I'll definitely be following, and I hope Estelle Ryan will hurry up and publish another one.

Oh, and I just finished White Fire, another Agent Pendergast novel by Preston & Childs.  Yep, they are over-the-top and campy and offer up a host of bodies, but I'm addicted.

I finished my black sheep and love him.  :0
The felt is called shaggy felt, and I like the texture it adds.
He's looking at Bitter of Bitter & Boo;
Boo didn't make it into this shot.
I want to make some more of these
patchwork characters with clay faces.

And I finished the pillow cases
and their embellishments.
If I could keep Fee from squashing them 
when he stretches out on the sofa to watch TV,
they would look less rumpled.

Our weather has been a little cooler lately.
Maybe not fall as most people experience it,
but definitely a relief from the heat.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Love all your sweet seasonal decorative goodies...and the book recommendations! Have a great weekend.

  2. I never fail to see wonderfulness that cheers me up and inspires me with every visit, here. Thank you!

  3. I wish I had time for some fun reading. Instead I'm trying to get into Fast Food Nation so I can start teaching it in a week.

    I love the black sheep--he needs some white sheep siblings. Oh wait, that's my life! lol

    How do you connect the clay faces on the patchwork characters? I can't figure it out and it's making me crazy. Enjoy your cool weekend. I'm loving it!

  4. Connie - Thanks! Such fun to make!

    Michele - :) You always make me feel so good!

    Mary - I miss preparing to teach, but I do not miss grading anything!

    Black sheep unite! We can start a club, Mary.

    Adding the face: I use a little slip on the bare cloth, making sure it absorbs. Then a thin layer of clay, wait, then built the face. A lot of my dolls are cloth, then completely covered with clay--head, neck, upper torso, arms, legs. These just have a circle of facial features.


Good to hear from you!