Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Middle of the Week Already

I love this post by Michele:  With Heart and Hands: Coloring Outside the Lines.

From the garden...

Sunny oranges in my favorite blue bowl.

I'm finally beginning to make a bit of transition from Wu style tai chi to Yang style.  This has been a great deal more difficult than I first imagined, but my body has begun to follow the larger more expansive moves with less resistance.  I skipped a week of classes and returned on Monday to discover that the break was actually a beneficial one.  Sort of the plateau phenomenon.  This morning's class should help integrate the process.

Haven't been doing much sewing or embroidery lately--still working on the same projects, just very slowly and in a haphazard manner.  But I have been reading, reading, reading.

Right now, I'm struggling to keep Edgar's paws off the computer.  He has become very persistent lately about getting in my lap when I sit down to post.  Now, he's decided to gently paw my face, switching from one paw to the other.  Very sweet.  Very annoying.  He wants all of the attention.  Shoo!


  1. Isn''t it wonderful that we have the freedom to float from embroidery to books and from Wu to Yang? Life is so good. Sans cat paws, of course.

  2. Rian - Yes! Life is definitely good when you have the freedom to do what you choose. Today's tai chi class was a good one in that I could settle and sequence the first section of the form we are working on. Second section--not so good. Third section--what a mess. But I'm working on it!

  3. I just love the oranges in the blue bowl. I love the bowl anyway. I have always had a thing for that dusty blue color. But the oranges really make it pop!

  4. What lovely photos, Connie! Your Edgar sounds a lot like my cat, Eddie. If I ignore him too long, he starts trying to chew on the corner of my laptop. That usually gets my attention.

  5. Stephie - I bought the bowl at a flea market for just a few dollars--a real bargain! The blue does make the orange pop, doesn't it?

    Valerie - Thanks, Valerie! Cats are demanding creatures; Edgar will not be denied when he sets his mind to something. He's a sweetie, but often an annoying one!

  6. I can't believe that I put Connie's name in there instead of yours! I must not have been fully awake when I wrote :-(

  7. Valerie-- Since we read and comment on the same blogs, it is no surprise. :)

    I have, ahem, on at least one occasion sent a reply to a comment to the wrong person!


Good to hear from you!