Saturday, December 04, 2010

Saturday Cookies and B.E. Adventures

Around this area, we are pretty familiar with the oil field.  Sugarbelle has created the most adorable gingerbread cookies with an oil field theme, complete with derricks and hard hats.  Such a great idea for oil field country.

When I was little and we lived in Wyoming (Laddie was an engineer with the Houston Oil Company), I remember driving across a snow-covered prairie one December and seeing the rig where we were headed lit up with  lights.  I thought it was a Christmas tree; on that dark night, seeing that derrick rising above the snow-covered landscape, sparkling with was like a gift.  I was in four-year-old awe, and after all these years, the image is still there.

Back to the cookies.  Sugarbelle makes the most brilliant, imaginative cookies I've ever seen.  Check out her blog and her Flickr page.
Bryce Eleanor and I went for a walk this morning, and she filled her pockets with leaves and acorns and acorn hats and berries.  We've read, played, napped, and watched the LPB John Denver Special.

And danced!  She especially loved "Thank God, I'm a Country Boy." Watching an almost three-year-old dance is a lesson in exuberance.  Knees pumping, arms waving, stompin' and rompin', and rollin' on the floor.  Whew! 

Her Mama and some of her friends went to Natchitoches for the Christmas Festival.

B.E. and I looked at the lights in the neighborhood.  Much less crowed, but fun!


  1. Whew! Sounds tiring AND fun! Ya gotta love John Denver =-) Really cute cookies...

  2. Thanks for including me in this post, Jen!


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