Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday Morning

Sometimes my husband is a dear man, thoughtful and kind.  And sometimes he is spiteful.  This morning, I woke up to find little bowls of tiny Snickers all over the house.  Even at my reading nook outside, where I sit each morning to assess the day.
 He knows that I cannot help myself!  When this kind of thing is in the house, my  goal is to eat them.  All.  As soon as possible.  To get them gone.
No sooner than I'd empty one bowl back in the bag (with plans to hide it...out of sight, out of mind, you know), than I'd discover another one!  After emptying several bowls, I thought I'd take a picture of the last ones I discovered.  By the couch, on the counter, the table, by the computer, outside...have I found them all?

But what a beautiful morning!  A cool 73 degrees, low humidity, fresh and invigorating.
Now, upstairs for my morning yoga.  Then I will find my will power restored and be able to remove Snickers from my mind.


  1. I have a thing about Snickers. This would be my undoing. Naughty boy!!

  2. hilarious. and I love the bowls...

  3. Oh, Gerrie, I do, too! Naughty, indeed!

    Acey - Erin gave me those bowls several years ago, and I love them, too. Filled with Snickers or not!


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