Friday, November 07, 2008

Beauty and the Beast

Beauty: Yesterday, I answered the door...

to find that Erin had sent me these lovely flowers!
Absolutely beautiful, and for me, a full appreciation of the thought and the happiness I feel when I look at them. The fringed tulips are gorgeous!Beast: A few shots of some of the books that clutter the house. How can I fail to see these on a day to day basis? And review books keep arriving from publishers.

These are just the ones covering some of the available surfaces in the living room. They breed and multiply...

So kimy's post over at Mouse Medicine was one of those synchronicitous pleasures this morning. Love her photographs and the quotes!

:) I worked in the studio yesterday! Yes! Will post pictures later, but it was such a pleasant relaxing day. I was certainly in that contentment zone.


  1. ah to me both sets of photos are and stacks of books. although if the books are demanding attention, I see where they may be a bit beastly! merci!!

    can you id the book ms t is holding? I'm thinking now maybe it isn't a book illustrated by maurice after are my book guru!

  2. kimy - I leave books all over the house and have other books shelves, but they seem to congregate in the biggest mess. They are on the floors, tables, stacked double on shelves. Why do I not see them most of the time?

    Couldn't identify ms t's book, but the page that is open looks more traditional fairy tale than Sendak. I'm sure ms t will know, then you can share!


Good to hear from you!