Friday, February 08, 2008

Hearts and Gifts and Positive Attitudes

Kay (Out of the Basement) suggested having a contest for ideas about what to do with the hearts I made. I think it is a great idea, so please give me your suggestions. I'll put all the names in a pot and send the winner a gift. Kay suggested a key chain, and I'm going to make one today! I think I'm going to make some more hearts, too.And on the topic of gifts, I'm almost finished with the PIF gifts! I've changed my mind several times after making one or two, but now they are all decided on and will be going out in a week or so. For some reason, I've really struggled with the PIF challenge this year, so I'm making a list of possibilities for next year so I don't have to repeat this years indecision.

I know I've mentioned Christine Kane's blog many times, but I keep finding useful, concise, apt information there. One of her entries from last year is titled Begin Your Day; in the post, she comments (I know, I know - it really is common sense, but I need constant reminders) about how important unconscious emotions and thoughts are to the formation of your day. To make a long story short, she reminds us that beginning your day with negative thoughts has an effect. Conversely, beginning the day with a positive attitude can also have an effect. One that we would all be happier with.

Sometimes, my first thoughts are about all of the things that I have to do, but don't want to do. And yeah, that can be a downer. On the days I wake up thinking about all of the things that I want to do and have the opportunity to do, my entire body responds in anticipation. There will always be things we have to do or don't want to do, but those things don't have to be our first thoughts or set the tone for our day.

Kane suggests several ways to begin the day:

Morning Pages (a la Julia Cameron)
Prayer and Meditation
create a Vision Journal
remind yourself of your Dreams and Goals
(you can read Christine Kane's entry here if you want more detail)


  1. Hey Jen have really enjoyed catching up - love love LOVE the zebra. I, too, have gained a lot of insight from Kane's blog. Many of her ideas have proven helpful or are things I already incorporate. In this case, I tend to do three things on that list more often than not. I just have a problem with consistency. Am always rationalizing it with the quote about it's being the hobgoblin of little minds.

    Am currently in the habit of visualizing a color when I first wake up. I just let the color choose itself and then fill my mind with it. Sometimes it reappears throughout the day and sometimes it's just enough to neutralize my gears and then beginning laying consciously positive groundwork for the day ahead.

  2. I was thinking abut this very thing this I so often wake up and think "oh, no, I have to---today...sigh...I'd rather sleep some more..." And then my day stinks...How sad to wake up with a negative vibe before my feet even touch the floor. Kane is great, she lives inside my head, I think...

    As for the about little pins? Or pendants...? Or long strings of them to hang from the ceiling or a curtain rod... I might mix them with little mirrors on a strand of groovy yarn/fiber... such possibilities...

    Gee, I need to get on those PIFs...I forgot about them, though I have one or two ideas rattling around in my head with the lone marble...

  3. I like the hearts with all the strings attached. The way they are presented in the photo would make an interesting layout on a small art quilt to depict tangled emotions.

  4. Since I started AW again...I am back to doing morning pages. Doing it while you are so close to sleep helps things pop out of your subconscious. With all that is going on in my seems like a really good idea. LOL

  5. These hearts would love wonderful sewed onto some nice,beautiful, heavy card stock. Not a very original idea - but hey wold look awesome!

  6. AceyA-- I like the idea of focusing on a color on awakening and think I'll try that. Consistency tends to escape me most of the time, not to say that Thoreau didn't have it right in many ways, but I could use more consistency in thins like yoga or tai chi.

    Good ideas, Debby! I have some little mirrors, too. I'm hoping to get several "daily things" out of those hearts!

    Nellie-- This variegated thread is my very favorite and using the thready hearts for tangled emotions is such a great idea!

    Rissa-- So many people have had success with the morning pages, but for me, they were not much of a success. Maybe I should try again...

    Marie -- They would look nice on some heavy card stock. I keep old needles for using on paper, but haven't done it for a while. A good idea for Valentines for the grandkids!

  7. Trying to catch up with my blog reading and now I finding more places to visit! (Breathe.)

  8. Kim -- I love Christine Kane's blog. That is where I got the "no complaint" challenge, which I'm still working on and finding it easier and easier. It really does change your thinking--sometimes in the middle of a mental complaint, I immediately decide what to do about it.

  9. Well, I didn't post it here and I would love to be entered in your giveaway so here it is again - Attach one of your little hearts to a Dorset button that you will be making soon. :o) I think it would be lovely made into a keychain.

  10. Myra -- I have you down! I really need to try those Dorset buttons soon.


Good to hear from you!