Tuesday, January 02, 2007


but pictures! I managed to get two pictures up last night and two more this morning. There are so many more that I want to share, but it just takes so long. Some that I tried wouldn't work at all, but I'm going to be satisfied for now.

Sisters: Amela and Erin

Laddie and I pose on Christmas Eve.

Proud Grandpa! Mac and Fee enjoy a bonding moment. Duh! MAX, the baby is MAX. I know, Erin, I really do.
Megan and Amelia: cousins


  1. Yay! Pictures!

    I'm continually amazed at your family genetics! What a gorgeous bunch. You and Laddie sure do "favor" as they say in East Tennessee. And Baby Mac is just a charmer. Boy or girl?

  2. I agree - It's nice to see that you've finally managed some pictures!
    (I have to turn Picassa off when I have Blogger open.)

  3. Jane Ann - Darn! I did it again! MAC is the dog. MAX is the baby. I called each of them by the wrong name while they were here...pretty consistently. No points for this grandma...

    Kim - I don't have the energy to go through that wait every time, but I'm hoping things will improve.

    Debra - Thanks!

  4. Lovely photos! :-) I am so glad it finally worked for you.

  5. Rissa - I'm still working on it, but I'm learning about resizing pictures and about a new editing program.


Good to hear from you!