Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Great Mail!

Yesterday was quite hectic: mammogram, Tai Chi in the park, errands, Home Depot for Fee's Valentine (an enclosed trailer, I'll take pictures later), working on journal quilt, laundry, taking my Dad to dinner. I didn't even check the mail.

BUT look was waiting while I ran around:

A surprise package from Karoda!!! Filled with cool "metal" fabric in various shades of silver, gold, bronze and with lovely textures. Pretty skeleton leaves, and a piece of hand-dyed cotton and 3 pieces of her microwave dyed silk! Oh, joy, Oh, excitement! Thanks so much Karoda - what fun awaits me.

See the shimmer, the shine, the silky colors, the delicate leaves!

Don't forget to check this out: children's books meme. I would love to know what books were important to you as you grew up.


  1. Oh, how delish! You must do something very hot with these!

  2. Now that's Good Mail!! Yay you!!

  3. That looks like tons of fun. Can't wait to see what kinds of things you make with all that lovely stuff.

  4. I'm glad it arrived and on V-day. :) I'm really interested to see how you use the metal paper-fabric stuff.

  5. Lovely little gift! I know you will put it to good use. Jen


Good to hear from you!