Monday, July 11, 2005


I was a little out of sorts yesterday; a vague, general miasma seemed to envelope everything. Tried to keep busy as a means of battling the feeling: did laundry (including all bed linens, including comforter and duvet - and reassembling the darn thing), vacuumed, mopped, made 4 postcard sandwiches from scraps, finished crocheting a hat, started 2 new books (one of which I'm enjoying), mowed the yard (wrestling with the mower which has its own temperamental problem at the moment), fried eggplant (and decided NEVER to fry again).

I did finish The Kite Runner on Saturday, and I was wholly satisfied. A marvelous book.


  1. Ah - I've just moved The Kite Runner to the top of my "To Be Read" pile - looking forward to it!

    And fired eggplant is like a SPONGE for grease, yes?!

  2. Wow! you where busy busy busy...


Good to hear from you!